GlobalGLO Low Carbon Solutions™: How Our Program Works
Meeting today’s energy demands while reducing emissions is no longer a choice, but a business imperative that serves the environment and your company’s competitive edge. GlobalGLO™ is a suite of ready-to-implement fuel products that make it easy to do just that.
These diverse offerings give Global’s customers the ability to adapt to regulatory changes, market conditions and customer preferences – putting the power in your hands to be an energy leader.
GlobalGLO™ offers compensated fuels solutions that pair traditional and/or low-carbon fuels with Voluntary Carbon Offsets (VCOs) that Global procures and retires to help your business reach its targets.
Tailored Solutions
We are here to help you achieve your sustainability goals. We understand that every business has unique sustainability needs and ambitions. Our GlobalGLO Low Carbon Solutions™ can be customized to match your company’s goals, offering powerful flexibility in managing your company’s carbon footprint.
Whether you have specific sustainability goals in mind or need help responding to evolving environmental regulations, GlobalGLO™ provides the choices you need to create a tailored pathway to success.
Strengthening Supply. Meeting Demand.
Developing a sustainable supply chain is vital to meet the growing demand for low-carbon intensity fuels. GlobalGLO™ helps secure your position as a leader in a market that increasingly values environmental responsibility – and a regulatory landscape that demands it.
Sustaining Your Bottom Line
Designed for efficiency, our unique combination of off-the-shelf fuel products and Voluntary Carbon Offset solutions allow you to effectively manage your company’s carbon footprint while never losing sight of its bottom line. Fully scalable to any sustainability plan and business strategy, GlobalGLO™ makes it easy to fuel the future.