Global offers the premium products and additives that fuel better business and happier customers.

Diesel One®
Diesel One®, Global’s proprietary high-performance diesel fuel, was designed to clean and protect sensitive fuel injectors and the entire fuel handling delivery system. It has been field tested and proven to restore efficiency, performance and uptime while minimizing maintenance and repair costs – in any weather condition. Find out more about Diesel One®.

Global’s proprietary pour point depressant provides an economical way to assure the flow of heating oil in the coldest of temperatures, when your customers need it most. SubZero® is available in case lots of 12 – 16 oz. bottles, 5-gallon pails and 55-gallon drums. The recommended treatment level is 16 oz. Subzero® additive per 250 gallons of heating oil. Learn more about SubZero®.

Heating Oil Plus™
Heating Oil Plus™ is Global’s proprietary No. 2 premium heating oil. It contains a carefully balanced group of active ingredients to help avoid filter issues, nozzle and strainer plugging, effectively reducing fuel-related service calls. In addition to rack blending, Heating Oil Plus™ is also available in pails, drums or by precise truck mounted injection as it is delivered to customers. Learn more about Heating Oil Plus™.

Bioheat® fuel is a blend of generic heating oil and biodiesel feedstock, each of which meets ASTM specifications prior to being blended. Bioheat® helps heating systems operate cleaner and contributes to reduced maintenance when used in conjunction with Heating Oil Plus™. Learn more about Bioheat®.