Showing: Evolving Standards
At all levels of government, there is a flurry of legislative and regulatory activity, with the goal to address climate change through policies that identify, report, and reduce emissions. Across the United States, from the Northeast to the Mid-Atlantic, states are setting aggressive decarbonization targets – and it can be difficult to keep up with everything going on. Full Story » “GlobalGLO™ at the Forefront of Climate Navigation”
The low-carbon fuel offers up to 78 percent fewer greenhouse gases and a pathway for helping New York achieve climate goals
New York’s ambitious climate change goals have been well documented – the state is striving for an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with an interim target of 40% by 2030. Full Story » “Renewable Diesel Comes to New York”
In recognition of the company’s responsibility to act thoughtfully and sustainability for all customers, shareholders, employees and communities, Global has released its first-ever Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
Encapsulating all of 2021, the report highlights some of Global’s work in a range of areas, including diversity and inclusion, delivering value and empowering communities. Full Story » “Global publishes its first Corporate Social Responsibility Report”