
The world of sustainability and low-carbon solutions is constantly evolving. At Global, we’re here to help you navigate it. Keep up with the latest GlobalGLO™ news and advances as we pave the way together toward a more sustainable world.

Global Partners Accepts First Renewable Diesel at its Terminal in Clatskanie, Oregon

Global Partners has received and will ship its first load of renewable diesel at the Port of Columbia County in Clatskanie Oregon.

The company has been storing and handling another biofuel, ethanol, at the Clatskanie facility since 2016. In July 2020, Oregon DEQ approved permits for Global to receive, store and ship renewable diesel through the Columbia River terminal. Full Story » “Global Partners Accepts First Renewable Diesel at its Terminal in Clatskanie, Oregon”

Global Partners Gets the Go-Ahead for Renewable Diesel in Oregon

Large ship docked on the Columbia River in Oregon.

With support from state regulators and the local community, Global Partners is moving forward with plans to begin transloading renewable diesel at its terminal on the Columbia River in Clatskanie, Oregon.

In early July, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality gave the go-ahead for Global Partners to add renewable diesel to its transloading permit for the terminal.  Full Story » “Global Partners Gets the Go-Ahead for Renewable Diesel in Oregon”