Global Partners News

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Global Partners Named to Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies List

Global Partners has been named to Fortune Magazine’s World’s Most Admired Companies List or 2022. The company ranked sixth in the category of Wholesale Diversified, up from a ranking of 11th the prior year.

“I’m thrilled to see Global Partners on this list of most admired companies,” said Eric Slifka, Global Partners LP President& CEO. Full Story » “Global Partners Named to Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies List”

PayByCar Announces Roll Out of E-Z Pass™ Touchless Payment Service at Alltown Gas Stations across Massachusetts

Boston, MA.​ (January 19, 2021) – ​PayByCar, Inc.​, an innovative provider of transactional vehicle payment solutions, has announced the implementation of their services at all 30 Alltown gas stations in Massachusetts​, where ​customers will be able to pay for gas and other goods directly from their mobile device,​ without ever having to take out cash, a credit card, or mobile app. Full Story » “PayByCar Announces Roll Out of E-Z Pass™ Touchless Payment Service at Alltown Gas Stations across Massachusetts”

During COVID-19, Global Supports its Employees, Communities and all Front-Line Workers

Community and family are at the heart of Global. During the pandemic, Global and its employees have stepped up to support each other and our communities.

Weekly Free Lunches for Healthcare Workers and First Responders

From April 24 to June 5, employees at Global Partners convenience stores throughout New England delivered thousands of free meals to local healthcare workers and first responders to thank them for their service during the pandemic. Full Story » “During COVID-19, Global Supports its Employees, Communities and all Front-Line Workers”

Global Partners Gets the Go-Ahead for Renewable Diesel in Oregon

Large ship docked on the Columbia River in Oregon.

With support from state regulators and the local community, Global Partners is moving forward with plans to begin transloading renewable diesel at its terminal on the Columbia River in Clatskanie, Oregon.

In early July, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality gave the go-ahead for Global Partners to add renewable diesel to its transloading permit for the terminal.  Full Story » “Global Partners Gets the Go-Ahead for Renewable Diesel in Oregon”

Global Recognizes and Thanks its Front-Line Employees that are Serving Local Communities Across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic

At gas stations, convenience stores and fuel terminals throughout the Northeast, thousands of employees of Global Partners LP have been helping people get the goods, food, and fuel they need throughout the COVID-19 crisis. It is essential work that is keeping communities up and running.

Global was looking for a creative and personal way to thank these employees for their service. Full Story » “Global Recognizes and Thanks its Front-Line Employees that are Serving Local Communities Across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic”